Vision Ingredients


The elemental ingredients for the vision plan are ten principles derived from community and stakeholder input and verified by best practices in urban transit corridor revitalization. These community values form the foundation on which the vision plan is built and also the checklist by which its successful implementation should be measured.

  1. Pedestrian-Oriented Development
  2. Integration & Reuse of Historic Structures
  3. Grade-Level Retail at Transit Nodes
  4. Moderate-density Residential Along the Street
  5. Reinforce the Industrial Employment Base
  6. District Parking Strategy
  7. Inclusion of Public Open Space
  8. Best-Practice Stormwater Management
  9. Three to Four Story Development
  10. Center Transit Alignment

Development Suitability

The first step in translating the principles into a plan is defining the geography–what the plan will and will not cover. A development suitability analysis helps us determine what properties the plan will address. MORE

IndyConnect Vision

The transportation vision incorporated in the IndyConnect plan is a significant movement in public policy toward reclaiming urban neighborhoods and rebuilding our region to be more vibrant, sustainable and economically competitive. The plan won’t work, however, without a symbiotic change in land use planning that promotes and supports transit. To maximize the potential a fixed-route transit investment provides, it is important to understand how the plan translates into the corridor. MORE

Sustainability Planning

A significant development constraint in urban areas is stormwater runoff, which can no-longer be accommodated in traditional sewer pipes.  For any redevelopment to occur, a strategy to overcome this hurdle was necessary.  Using green techniques like permeable pavement and green roofs helps but is not enough.   A coordinated district retention system is required.  The result is the potential for a LEED-qualified system that doesn’t contribute a drop to water quality problems. MORE